Tuesday, 5 April 2016


          Have you ever thought about getting out of summer hot climate.what will you do ,when there is a power cut ,and there is no inverter at home.Most of us try to gather under trees for air.What if there is no air outside ? Then why dont you create you own fan which is portable and rechargable and efficient.In this post ,I will guide you how to create your own portable rechareable fan. 

parts needed:
3)rechargable battery -4v
5)plastic dome (cylindrical)
7)charging pin (female type)

First select a plastic dome which is cylindrical in shape ,check out first whether motor and battery can be fitted into cylindrical dome.Now make out a cutting on plastic dome such that our switch can be fitted onto it. Now arrange the battery ,switch ,and motor in a parallel manner as shown in figure
Now connect wires to charging pin and battery with diode 1N4007 in series to allow flow of current in single direction.charging pin is selected in such a way that we can connect chariging pin to it .In my  case i brought a nokia phone charging pin so that i could charge it using nokia charger.Arrange the diode between switch and battery so that motor does not rotates while charging the battery.
charger has a 5 volts capabilty ,So select a battery near to 5 volts lets say 4.5volts.Now arrange all the set up in the plastic dome in our desired manner.As a finishing touch ,after arranging all the set up Mount the mini fan .Now your portable hand fan is ready