Tuesday, 5 April 2016


          Have you ever thought about getting out of summer hot climate.what will you do ,when there is a power cut ,and there is no inverter at home.Most of us try to gather under trees for air.What if there is no air outside ? Then why dont you create you own fan which is portable and rechargable and efficient.In this post ,I will guide you how to create your own portable rechareable fan. 

parts needed:
3)rechargable battery -4v
5)plastic dome (cylindrical)
7)charging pin (female type)

First select a plastic dome which is cylindrical in shape ,check out first whether motor and battery can be fitted into cylindrical dome.Now make out a cutting on plastic dome such that our switch can be fitted onto it. Now arrange the battery ,switch ,and motor in a parallel manner as shown in figure
Now connect wires to charging pin and battery with diode 1N4007 in series to allow flow of current in single direction.charging pin is selected in such a way that we can connect chariging pin to it .In my  case i brought a nokia phone charging pin so that i could charge it using nokia charger.Arrange the diode between switch and battery so that motor does not rotates while charging the battery.
charger has a 5 volts capabilty ,So select a battery near to 5 volts lets say 4.5volts.Now arrange all the set up in the plastic dome in our desired manner.As a finishing touch ,after arranging all the set up Mount the mini fan .Now your portable hand fan is ready

Tuesday, 1 December 2015



                    Variations in time under different situations and conditions can be called as time variations. First of all we will discuss about dimensions .Most of us knows only 3 dimensions ,  after them we take time and gravity as 4th and 5th dimension,because we are under the influence of them also in our day to day life.
                   There have been many about time travelling and recording of past events . the  example was a time recorder which was said to had been invented by a pope ,he said that by using that machine he saw the crucifixion of Jesus Christ .The other one is the time tunnel in china .when we drive through the time tunnel people reported that their watch time  was moved back.

                    Now according to relativity ,time slows down when we travel with the speed nearly equal to the speed of the light .time slows down.similarly in places of heavy gravity also time slows down.so we can travel to future by travelling with high speed.
 But according to Einstein's special relativity  mass increases very hugely when we travel at the speed nearly equal to the speed of light.if ,we travel at a speed speed greater than the speed of light then we move backwards in time and it requires infinite amount of energy.

 For example lets take a person sitting in a moving train which travels athe speed nearly equal to the speed of light then time inside the train slows down .after one hours when he steps out of the train then world will have moved forward into future   or we can say that the person travelled into the future.
                 We can see past situations by using an idea that,particles of light takes some time to transmitt the situation or incident just like memory devices .when we see our sun ,we are actually  seeing the 8 minutes back situation of the sun because light takes 8 minutes to travel from sun to earth.if we are able to jump trough a warmhole by somehow and travel to another planet at a distance of 4 light years from earth ,if we see earth through a powerful Hubble telescope the we can observe the climate conditions or incidents on the earth 4 years back.

               For example lets takes a person ,we will assume that he has a machine which can build a wormhole.A wormhole can be thought as a gateway if we step into it we will step into another place.lets say the person enters into it and leaves the warmhole on a planet which is 1000 light years away. Then we  see our planet through a large powerful and advanced telescope. we see the climatic conditions and geographical  landscape of the earth 1000 years back.which means light acts as a memory service in other words. 

      -----------------------------------------------  THANK YOU-------------------------------------------

Thursday, 22 October 2015



                     Have  your tried to know ,How BJT transistor acts as an amplifier?If you dont know ,Then Don't worry we will explain it to you.
                The first thing everyone needs to know is  ,The voltage applied at the base of the transistor is very small when compared to the collector voltage and  dDC voltage at base should be  of the order of around 0.7 volts                

                           Second thing you need to know is,the base voltage controls the collector terminal voltage.
                          Next ,the third thing you need to know is ,the small A.C signal is applied at the baseterminal voltage only and the amplified AC signal is taken out at Collector terminal.
From the figure,we can see the notations of the teriminals of a bjt transitor.
     When the voltage of the AC signal applied at the base terminal is increased or Let us take the voltage at the peak then the whole current will flow  from collector to emitter terminal and reach the ground,and the ouput current taken at collector terminal becomes zero.Hence voltage  will appear zero or minimum at collector terminal.let us say it is connected to ground virtually at that time.
                           When the voltage across base terminal decreases  i.e let us take at zero crossing point of the waveform,then the  current from collector to emitter  will decrease  which will increase the voltage at collector  eventually.
                                   " since voltage drop  is directly proportional to current"So voltage drop will be small i.e high voltage from Vcc will appear at collector terminal.Hence the output collector voltage will be high.
                             when the base voltage values are taken at permmisible intervals we can observe the exact replica of the input signal but of the higher values ,since the input Dc voltage at the collector is high i.e of the order of 10 volts.

conclusion :"In other words ,We can say that  the alternating small input signal is controlling the collector terminal voltage and also shaping the  collector terminal High DC voltage to large sinusoidal signal waveform, JUST LIKE POTTERY MAN SHAPING THE POT." 

Here ,we can also say that the phase difference between input signal and output signal is 180 DEGREES ,(which is used in the generation of oscillations to produce completely 360 or 0 degrees phase shift.)